House of Bishops AgendaDay 5 (27 June)

81st General Convention of the Episcopal Church – Louisville, KY

House of Bishops

AGENDA –5th Legislative Day, Afternoon Session

Thursday, June 27, 2024, 2:00 am – 6 pm


  1. Call to Order – Prayer


  1. Communications from the Presiding Bishop


  1. Messages from the House of Deputies


  1. Report from the Committee on Dispatch of Business

(See Calendar for the Day)


  1. Announcements by the Secretary


  1. Prayers by the Chaplains


  1. Motion to Recess – Dispatch of Business


The House will be in recess until 8:30 a.m. tomorrow for the Convention Closing Eucharist.

Bishops are reminded to bring Rochet and Chimere to the HOB meeting space where vesting and forming of the procession will occur. Racks will be provided for your vestments for ease of access.

We will reconvene for legislative session at 11:00 a.m. tomorrow morning.









Possible evening session – TBD