House of Bishops AgendaDay 1 (23 June)

                81st General Convention of the Episcopal Church – Louisville, KY

House of Bishops

AGENDA – 1st Legislative Day, Morning Session

Sunday, June 23, 2024, 11:00 am – 12 noon



1. Call to Order by the Presiding Bishop


2. Devotions by the Chaplains


3. Rule of Order Modification


4. Approval of Agenda for the Day – Dispatch of Business


5. Communications from the Presiding Bishop

Introduction of Vice President, Secretary, and Chair of Dispatch of Business

            Naming of Parliamentarian & Assistant Parliamentarian

            Naming of the Chaplains for the meeting


6. Appointment of Assistant Secretary


7. Calling of the Roll & Certification of a Quorum – Secretary

            Note: Late arrivals will be called for on the 2nd and 3rd Legislative Days


8. Appointment of a Delegation to bring greetings and inform the House of Deputies that the 

House of Bishops is organized for business                  


9.  Recognition of the Senior Bishop Present


10.  Consecration of Bishops, Introduction of New Bishops since the last interim meeting, seating of Bishops-elect whose consent process has completed


11.  Necrology of Bishops since the last interim meeting - Prayer


12. Introduction of Visiting Bishops


13. Reading of the Minutes of the last meeting (May be dispensed with upon motion)


14. Welcome from the Host Bishop


15. Report from the Committee on Dispatch of Business

            (See Calendar of the Day)


16. Announcements by the Secretary


17. Noonday Devotions – Chaplains


18. Motion by Dispatch to recess until this afternoon at 2pm


Special Order(s):  Receive a Delegation from the House of Deputies to bring greetings

and notification that the House of Deputies is organized for business

Note: The deadline for filing new resolutions is tomorrow, June 24, at 6:00 p.m.





81st General Convention of the Episcopal Church – Louisville, KY

House of Bishops

AGENDA – 1st Legislative Day, Afternoon Session

Sunday, June 23, 2024, 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm



1. Call to Order


2. Call for enrollment of bishops who have arrived since the roll call – Secretary


3. Introduction of any new Visiting Bishops


4. Announcement of Consent Calendar #1 matters for the following day


5. Messages from the House of Deputies


6. Communications from the Presiding Bishop


7. Balloting

            General Board of Examining Chaplains

            Bishop Members of Executive Council


8. Report from the Committee on Dispatch of Business

            (See Calendar for the Day)


9. Announcements from the Secretary


10. Prayers by the Chaplains


11. Motion to Recess – Dispatch of Business


The House will recess until 9:00 a.m. tomorrow for worship and joint session with House of Deputies on the Budget. Bishops are reminded of and encouraged to attend the ECW 50th Triennial Convention Anniversary Party this evening, beginning at 7:00 pm.


Note: The deadline for filing new resolutions is tomorrow, June 24, at 6pm


Special Order(s):

 Welcoming Anglican Communion International Guests

Greetings from former Presiding Bishop Jefferts Schori