House of Bishops AgendaDay 3 (25 June)

81st General Convention of the Episcopal Church – Louisville, KY

House of Bishops

AGENDA – 3rd Legislative Day, Afternoon Session

Tuesday, June 25, 2024, 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm



1. Call to Order - Prayer


2. Consent Calendar DAY 2


3. Approval of the Agenda for the Day – Dispatch of Business


4. Previous Day’s Minutes – Secretary


5. Call for enrollment of bishops who have arrived since the roll call - Secretary


6. Communications from the Presiding Bishop

                  Nominations & Appointments:

Board of Archives

Board for Transition Ministry


Recorder of Ordinations


7. Announcement of Consent Calendar DAY 3, CONSENT 1 matters for the next legislative



8. Messages from the House of Deputies


9. Balloting

                  JNCPB – Bishop Members


10. Special Order of Business: A101


11. Report from the Committee on Dispatch of Business

                  (See Calendar for the Day)


12. Announcements from the Secretary


13. Prayers by the Chaplains


14. Motion to Recess – Dispatch of Business


The House will be in recess until the Holy Eucharist at 8:30 a.m. tomorrow; followed by a Special Executive Session convened at Christ Church Cathedral for the election of the Presiding Bishop. We will reconvene in legislative session tomorrow afternoon once the election by the HOB is concurred by the HoD. The time for that session will be announced later.



Special Order (s):

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