HoD Day 4 (26 June) Consent Calendar Number II

Number Resolution Title Recommendation Report
A036 Amend Canons to Use Approved Common Terminology to Describe Anti-Racism Work Concur
HD: 02 - Constitution & Canons Rpt. #32 View
A037 Accepting the agreement "Sharing the Gifts of Communion" between The Episcopal Church and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria Concur
HD: 14 - Ecumenical & Interreligious Relations Rpt. #11 View
A038 Practical Guidance for Interreligious Relations Concur
HD: 14 - Ecumenical & Interreligious Relations Rpt. #12 View
A039 Practical Guidance for Episcopal-Jewish Relations Concur
HD: 14 - Ecumenical & Interreligious Relations Rpt. #13 View
A040 Practical Guidance for Christian-Muslim Relations Concur
HD: 14 - Ecumenical & Interreligious Relations Rpt. #14 View
A042 Commend PCUSA-TEC Dialogue Concur
HD: 14 - Ecumenical & Interreligious Relations Rpt. #15 View
A049 Affirming the Goal of Full Communion between The Episcopal Church and the United Methodist Church Concur
HD: 14 - Ecumenical & Interreligious Relations Rpt. #16 View
A059 Create an Official List of Recognized Religious Orders and Christian Communities Concur
HD: 19 - Title III Ministry Rpt. #09 View
A061 Amend the following Canons I.12.3, III.6.6.c, III.8.6.d, III.8.6.7.c, III.10.5.d, III.11.3.b, and III.11.3.c based on 2022-A039 Concur
HD: 19 - Title III Ministry Rpt. #10 View
A065 Amend Canon III.1.3 Concur
HD: 19 - Title III Ministry Rpt. #08 View
A070 Research needs for the General Board of Examining Chaplains Concur
HD: 19 - Title III Ministry Rpt. #07 View
A093 Add provisions of 2018-B012 to canons Concur
HD: 02 - Constitution & Canons Rpt. #35 View
A103 Amend Canon III.11.8 Concur
HD: 02 - Constitution & Canons Rpt. #36 View
A109 Commend and Expand Liturgical Resources in Recognition of the End of Slavery Concur
HD: 10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy & Music Rpt. #46 View
A110 Clarify Distinction Between Biblical and Modern Israel Concur
HD: 06 - Social Justice & International Policy Rpt. #30 View
A111 Develop resources and models for online/in person hybrid worship Concur
HD: 10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy & Music Rpt. #45 View
A130 Developing alternative hymn texts Concur
HD: 10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy & Music Rpt. #43 View
A143 Amend IV.17.3.b and IV.17.5 - Disciplinary Board for Bishops Adopt with Amendment
HD: 18 - Title IV Disciplinary Canons Rpt. #17 View
C002 On Responsible Travel to the Holy Land Concur
HD: 06 - Social Justice & International Policy Rpt. #28 View
C016 Amend Canon III.12 to Provide for the Transfer of Bishops to Churches in Communion Concur
HD: 02 - Constitution & Canons Rpt. #37 View
C031 Migration with Dignity Concur
HD: 06 - Social Justice & International Policy Rpt. #27 View
D006 Rejecting the Theology and Politics of Christian Zionism Concur
HD: 06 - Social Justice & International Policy Rpt. #29 View
D009 Swords Into Plowshares: U.S. Accountability and Responsibility in Rebuilding Gaza Concur
HD: 06 - Social Justice & International Policy Rpt. #34 View
D012 Conditioning U.S. Military Assistance to Israel on Human Rights and a Negotiated Peace Concur
HD: 06 - Social Justice & International Policy Rpt. #32 View
D019 Justice and Peace in Ukraine Concur
HD: 06 - Social Justice & International Policy Rpt. #33 View
D023 Support for the Association for Episcopal Deacons Adopt with Amendment
HD: 19 - Title III Ministry Rpt. #12 View
D024 Recommending Use of Episcopal Camps and Conference Centers Concur
HD: 08 - Congregational Vitality & Data-Driven Initiatives Rpt. #07 View
D032 Raising the Clergy Mandatory Retirement Age to 75 Concur
HD: 19 - Title III Ministry Rpt. #11 View
D037 Encourage All Ministries of The Episcopal Church to Assess Intersections with Migration Concur
HD: 06 - Social Justice & International Policy Rpt. #35 View
D045 Task Force for Reviewing Intellectual Property of the Church Concur
HD: 02 - Constitution & Canons Rpt. #38 View
D052 Amend Canon IV.10.3 Adopt with Amendment
HD: 18 - Title IV Disciplinary Canons Rpt. #36 View
D061 Creating Space for Difference Take No Further Action
HD: 11 - Formation & Discipleship Rpt. #06 View
D062 Support and Solidarity with Armenia Concur
HD: 06 - Social Justice & International Policy Rpt. #36 View
D071 Governance support for the Diocese of Haiti and leadership for Dioceses in Crisis Adopt Substitute
HD: 03 - Governance & Structure Rpt. #33 View
D075 The Immediate Release of Ms. Layan Nasir, 24 from Administrative Detention in Israel Concur
HD: 06 - Social Justice & International Policy Rpt. #37 View
D077 Celebrating and Continuing the Work and Witness of the Church of the Advocate, Site of the Ordination of the Philadelphia Eleven Adopt with Amendment
HD: 05 - Racial Truth-Telling, Reckoning & Healing Rpt. #13 View
D079 Nominations for President and Vice President of the House of Deputies Adopt with Amendment
HD: 01 - Joint Rules of Order Rpt. #04 View