A157 HD Committee #01 Report #09

House of Deputies Committee 01 - Rules of Order/HoD presents its Report #09 on Resolution A157 (House of Deputies Rules on Legislative Committee Report Deadline) and moves:

Adopt with Amendment - HD Only

Resolved, the House of Deputies amends Rule VIII.C of its Rules of Order by adding a section 3 as follows:

<Amended text as it would appear if adopted. Scroll below the line of asterisks (******) to see the version showing all deleted and added text.>

3. Deadline.

i. The Legislative Committee’s initial report for resolutions must be filed at least seven days before the start of the First Legislative Session unless:

a. the House adopts a different deadline in its order of business;

b. Two-thirds of the Committee votes to defer the report until the second legislative day; or

c. It is a Post-Deadline resolution submitted within thirty days of the first legislative day.

ii. If the House of Bishops modifies a Resolution or other matter, the Legislative Committee must file a new report within 24 hours of receiving the message from the House of Bishops.


<Proposed amended resolution text showing exact changes being made:> 

3. Deadline.

i. The Legislative Committee’s initial report for resolutions must be filed at least seven days before the start of the First Legislative Session unless:

a. the House adopts a different deadline in its order of business;

b. Two-thirds of the Committee votes to defer the report until the second legislative day; or

c. It is a late Post-Deadline resolution submitted within thirty days of the first legislative day.

ii. If the House of Bishops modifies a Resolution or other matter, the Legislative Committee must file a new report within 24 hours of receiving the message from the House of Bishops.