05 - Racial Truth-Telling, Reckoning & Healing

Number Resolution Title Recommendation Report
A015 Owning a Commitment to Reparations Adopt with Amendment
HD report #10 View
A015 Owning a Commitment to Reparations Concur
HB report #19 View
A027 Increase recruitment, hiring, appointment, retention, and representation of People of Color in church positions Adopt with Amendment
HD report #05 View
A027 Increase recruitment, hiring, appointment, retention, and representation of People of Color in church positions Concur
HB report #20 View
A031 Translate Reconciliation Resources into Spanish Adopt with Amendment
HD report #06 View
A031 Translate Reconciliation Resources into Spanish Concur
HB report #12 View
A032 Hire a Chief Equity Officer Take No Further Action
HD report #03 View
A033 Renew ECCAR Take No Further Action
HD report #01 View
A034 Promoting Equitable Formation for Future Church Leaders through Dismantling Racism and Achieving Racial Justice and Healing Education in Seminaries and Schools of Theological Education Adopt with Amendment
HD report #02 View
A034 Promoting Equitable Formation for Future Church Leaders through Dismantling Racism and Achieving Racial Justice and Healing Education in Seminaries and Schools of Theological Education Adopt with Amendment
HB report #14 View
A035 Establish Model Policies for Anti/Racism/Racial Reconciliation Work Adopt with Amendment
HD report #11 View
A035 Establish Model Policies for Anti/Racism/Racial Reconciliation Work Concur
HB report #15 View
A095 Continue the Task Force on Indigenous Liturgy Concur
HB report #21 View
A095 Continue the Task Force on Indigenous Liturgy Adopt with Amendment
HD report #09 View
A097 Developing a Common Framework for Anti-Racism Training Take No Further Action
HD report #04 View
D016 Continued Funding of The Beloved Community Concur
HB report #16 View
D016 Continued Funding of The Beloved Community Adopt with Amendment
HD report #07 View
D074 Renouncing the Theology of Slavery held by the Rev. James Craik, 11th President of the House of Deputies Adopt with Amendment
HD report #08 View
D074 Renouncing the Theology of Slavery held by the Rev. James Craik, 11th President of the House of Deputies Concur
HB report #17 View
D077 Celebrating and Continuing the Work and Witness of the Church of the Advocate, Site of the Ordination of the Philadelphia Eleven Adopt with Amendment
HD report #13 View
D077 Celebrating and Continuing the Work and Witness of the Church of the Advocate, Site of the Ordination of the Philadelphia Eleven Concur
HB report #18 View