07 - Social Justice & United States Policy

Number Resolution Title Recommendation Report
A018 Task Force on Pacifism and Just War Adopt with Amendment
HD report #04 View
A018 Task Force on Pacifism and Just War Concur
HB report #19 View
A081 Combat Rising Religious Nationalism Concur
HB report #31 View
A081 Combat Rising Religious Nationalism Adopt with Amendment
HD report #12 View
A166 Registration of Firearms; Licensing of Firearm Sellers, Buyers, and Users; Use of Taggants Concur
HB report #33 View
A166 Registration of Firearms; Licensing of Firearm Sellers, Buyers, and Users; Use of Taggants Adopt
HD report #08 View
A167 Water Rights for Indigenous Communities and Lands Concur
HB report #34 View
A167 Water Rights for Indigenous Communities and Lands Adopt
HD report #14 View
B004 Commending Safe Gun Storage Concur
HB report #25 View
B004 Commending Safe Gun Storage Adopt
HD report #06 View
C003 On Affordable Housing Adopt with Amendment
HD report #29 View
C003 On Affordable Housing Concur
HB report #38 View
C026 Religious Liberty Concur
HB report #20 View
C026 Religious Liberty Adopt with Amendment
HD report #07 View
C035 End the Practice of Labor Trafficking of Migrant Youth Concur
HB report #36 View
C035 End the Practice of Labor Trafficking of Migrant Youth Adopt
HD report #09 View
D008 Protection of Water “Ola i Ka Wai - Water is Life” Adopt
HD report #01 View
D008 Protection of Water “Ola i Ka Wai - Water is Life” Concur
HB report #23 View
D011 The Prohibition of Assault Weapons Adopt with Amendment
HD report #26 View
D011 The Prohibition of Assault Weapons Concur
HB report #39 View
D014 Declare Gun Violence a National Health Crisis Adopt with Amendment
HD report #05 View
D014 Declare Gun Violence a National Health Crisis Concur
HB report #24 View
D017 Support Regulations on Generative Artificial Intelligence Adopt
HD report #02 View
D017 Support Regulations on Generative Artificial Intelligence Concur
HB report #28 View
D021 Support for Child Labor Protections Concur
HB report #21 View
D021 Support for Child Labor Protections Adopt
HD report #03 View
D027 Addressing Traffic Fatalities Adopt
HD report #13 View
D027 Addressing Traffic Fatalities Concur
HB report #30 View
D028 Close Guantánamo Bay Prison Adopt with Amendment
HD report #16 View
D028 Close Guantánamo Bay Prison Concur
HB report #37 View
D034 Support and Advocacy for Restorative Justice and a Moral Commitment to Abolition of Prisons and Policing Adopt Substitute
HD report #27 View
D034 Support and Advocacy for Restorative Justice and a Moral Commitment to Abolition of Prisons and Policing Concur
HB report #40 View
D039 Condemning Censorship Adopt Substitute
HD report #15 View
D039 Condemning Censorship Concur
HB report #41 View
D042 Ending Child and Forced Marriage Concur
HB report #42 View
D042 Ending Child and Forced Marriage Adopt with Amendment
HD report #17 View
D054 A Resolution to Address The Issue of Black Maternal Mortality Rate Adopt with Amendment
HD report #18 View
D054 A Resolution to Address The Issue of Black Maternal Mortality Rate Concur
HB report #43 View
D057 Advocate for Housing Solutions Concur
HB report #35 View
D057 Advocate for Housing Solutions Adopt
HD report #10 View
D067 Support Temporary Protected Status Concur
HB report #32 View
D067 Support Temporary Protected Status Adopt
HD report #11 View