19 - Title III Ministry

Number Resolution Title Recommendation Report
A059 Create an Official List of Recognized Religious Orders and Christian Communities Adopt
HB report #03 View
A059 Create an Official List of Recognized Religious Orders and Christian Communities Concur
HD report #09 View
A061 Amend the following Canons I.12.3, III.6.6.c, III.8.6.d, III.8.6.7.c, III.10.5.d, III.11.3.b, and III.11.3.c based on 2022-A039 Adopt
HB report #04 View
A061 Amend the following Canons I.12.3, III.6.6.c, III.8.6.d, III.8.6.7.c, III.10.5.d, III.11.3.b, and III.11.3.c based on 2022-A039 Concur
HD report #10 View
A065 Amend Canon III.1.3 Adopt
HB report #01 View
A065 Amend Canon III.1.3 Concur
HD report #08 View
A070 Research needs for the General Board of Examining Chaplains Adopt with Amendment
HB report #05 View
A070 Research needs for the General Board of Examining Chaplains Concur
HD report #07 View
D023 Support for the Association for Episcopal Deacons Adopt with Amendment
HB report #06 View
D023 Support for the Association for Episcopal Deacons Adopt with Amendment
HD report #12 View
D023 Support for the Association for Episcopal Deacons Concur
HB report #13 View
D032 Raising the Clergy Mandatory Retirement Age to 75 Adopt Substitute
HB report #02 View
D032 Raising the Clergy Mandatory Retirement Age to 75 Concur
HD report #11 View