23 - Privilege & Courtesy/HoD

Number Resolution Title Recommendation Report
A168 Celebrate the Juncture of the Episcopal Dioceses of Eastern Michigan and Western Michigan Adopt - HD Only
HD report #07 View
A169 Celebrate the reunification of the Dioceses of Wisconsin Adopt - HD Only
HD report #08 View
A170 Greetings to Bonnie Anderson Adopt - HD Only
HD report #01 View
A171 Greetings to The Rev. Gay Clark Jennings Adopt - HD Only
HD report #03 View
A172 Express Appreciation for the Official Youth Presence Adopt - HD Only
HD report #05 View
A173 Express Gratitude for The Rev. Edward W. Rodman Adopt - HD Only
HD report #04 View
A174 Commemorate Diocesan Anniversaries Adopt - HD Only
HD report #02 View
A175 Express Appreciation for the ECW Adopt - HD Only
HD report #09 View
A176 Commend the Rev. Rachel Taber-Hamilton Adopt with Amendment - HD Only
HD report #10 View
A177 Express Gratitude for the GCO Staff and Executive Officers of the General Convention Adopt - HD Only
HD report #11 View
A178 Express Gratitude for the United Thank Offering Adopt - HD Only
HD report #06 View
A179 Express Gratitude for Krisita Jackson Adopt - HD Only
HD report #23 View
A180 Express gratitude for the life and ministry of the Very Rev. George L.W. Werner Adopt - HD Only
HD report #13 View
A182 Express Gratitude to Candidates in Presiding Bishop's Election Adopt - HD Only
HD report #15 View
A183 Give Thanks to the Diocese of Kentucky Adopt - HD Only
HD report #16 View
A184 Express Gratitude to the City and People of Louisville Adopt - HD Only
HD report #17 View
A185 Gratitude for Language Services at General Convention Adopt with Amendment - HD Only
HD report #18 View
A186 Give Thanks to Convention Staff and Hospitality Ministers Adopt - HD Only
HD report #19 View
A187 Express gratitude for the ministries of the Episcopal Camps and Conference Centers Adopt - HD Only
HD report #20 View
A188 Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Philadelphia Eleven Adopt - HD Only
HD report #21 View
A189 Honoring 85 Years of the Ministry of Episcopal Relief and Development Adopt - HD Only
HD report #22 View
A190 Extend Gratitude to the House of Deputies' Chaplain Adopt - HD Only
HD report #26 View
A191 Express Gratitude for the General Convention Children's Program Adopt - HD Only
HD report #29 View
A192 Express Gratitude for Ecumenical Guests Adopt - HD Only
HD report #24 View
A193 Express Gratitude to the Nomination Committee for Presiding Bishop Adopt - HD Only
HD report #28 View
A194 Express Thanks to the Parliamentarian of the House of Deputies Adopt - HD Only
HD report #27 View
A225 Express Gratitude to Steve Hutchinson Adopt - HD Only
HD report #25 View
A227 Commend the life of Willie Howard Mays, Jr. Adopt - HD Only
HD report #30 View
A228 Express Gratitude to Paul Neuhauser Adopt - HD Only
HD report #31 View
A229 Gratitude for the Secretariat, Voting Secretary, and Committee on Dispatch Adopt - HD Only
HD report #32 View
A230 Thanksgiving for all who ran for elected offices at General Convention Adopt - HD Only
HD report #33 View
A231 Commend Julia Ayala Harris Adopt - HD Only
HD report #34 View
A232 Thanksgiving for the election of the Presiding Bishop Adopt - HD Only
HD report #35 View
A234 Expressing Gratitude for Sharon Jones Adopt - HD Only
HD report #37 View
A235 Thanksgiving for the election of the Vice President of the House of Deputies Adopt - HD Only
HD report #36 View
A246 Celebrate the service of The Rev. Canon Michael Barlowe Adopt - HD Only
HD report #38 View