Carolyn Foster

IV Alabama

I was born, raised, and educated in Birmingham, AL. I grew up in the Smithfield neighborhood located in west Birmingham which became known as Dynamite Hill during the turbulent 60's; a reference to numerous bombings of the homes of civic rights activists in the area. ;My memories and experiences of that time shaped and guided my work in areas dealing with social justice issues and racial justice and reconciliation. I have served on several state and local Boards and am currently on the staff of Greater Birmingham Ministries serving as Faith in Community Coordinator. I also serve as Tri-chair for the Alabama Poor People's Campaign. I was ordained Deacon in November 2002 serving at St. Mark's Episcopal Church. I studied Education for Ministry at the University of the South in Sewanee, TN. For over twenty years I co-chaired the Commission on Truth, Justice, and Racial Reconciliation in the Diocese of Alabama.