Floor Amendment 021 to D013 Affirm the Imperative of a Palestinian State Proposed by Bonnie Perry

Resolved, the House of Deputies concurring,

Resolved, That the 81st General Convention of The Episcopal Church affirm: that the October 7, 2023 attack on Israel by Hamas was an indefensible act of terrorism; that Israel’s counterinsurgency in Gaza has exhibited a reckless disregard for the civilian population; that the current government in Israel, in effectively ruling out a Palestinian state, continues to pursue an apartheid policy against the Palestinian people; and that for all the people of Israel and Palestine to enjoy freedom, peace, justice, and national self-determination, there must be a Palestinian state, coexisting with the Jewish State of Israel; and be it further

Resolved, That the 81st General Convention affirm The Executive Council of The Episcopal Church (MB013) in lamenting the violence and loss of life in Gaza, demanding the speedy provision of food and medical aid, and calling for an immediate ceasefire and the release of hostages and other captives; and be it further

Resolved, That the 81st General Convention call on the Office of Government Relations to continue its work on human rights, justice, and other issues affecting the region while redoubling our church’s advocacy of the two-state solution, especially by lobbying for linkage between military aid for Israel and the degree of its participation in the peace process as well as lobbying for sanctions against nations that support Hamas, Hezbollah, and other extremist anti-Israel groups; and be it further

Resolved, That the Office of Government Relations also promote The Episcopal Church’s view that rebuilding Gaza, continuing to build up the economy of the West Bank, and promoting security for both Palestinians and Israelis are the responsibility of the United Nations, Israel, the U.S., Israel’s other allies, and Israel’s Arab neighbors, all of whom should be prepared to join in historic levels of aid and investment; and be it further

Resolved, That the 81st General Convention invite all Episcopalians to play a role in working for a durable, just peace through philanthropy, study, advocacy, investment in Palestinian enterprises, divestment from all firms doing business in or with West Bank settlements (2018-B016, Develop Investment Criteria for Israel and Palestine Based on a Human Rights Screen), and deepening personal relationships with those living in the region, through pilgrimages and by other means.

That the 81st General Convention declares that there is no military solution to the conflict between Israel and the Palestinian people and calls on Hamas and Israel to abandon violence, initiate and honor a permanent ceasefire, and release all Israeli hostages and Palestinian political prisoners as a means to resolving this 76-year-old conflict, and be it further

Resolved, That this Convention, noting that the International Court of Justice has launched an investigation into charges of genocide by Israel, laments with enormous grief the horrendous toll of civilian deaths and injuries, vast destruction of infrastructure, starvation leading to malnutrition among children resulting in unnecessary deaths and permanent damage to the physical well being of hundreds of thousands, loss of medical services, and no safe havens for a fleeing population in Gaza, affecting especially women and children, thus creating fear, distress and misery that will linger for decades, and therefore be it further

Resolved, That this Convention notes that the conflict can never be reconciled while 4,500,000+ Palestinians remain under occupation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, a reality that breeds resentment and rage among Palestinians, especially its young people, which leads to armed resistance while giving illegal Israeli settlers in the West Bank motivation to continue their ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian population by destroying their villages and agricultural life, and be it further

Resolved, That this Convention thereby calls on the United Nations, supported by the United States, European Union, and the Arab League, to fulfill its obligations incurred since 1948 to create a sovereign state for Palestinians, to include rebuilding Gaza while ensuring previously secure approved borders by the UN and assuring permanent security for Israel, which may later lead to one bi-national state as the parties may agree, and be it further

Resolved, That this Convention direct the Office of Government Relations to send a copy of this resolution to the President of the United States, the Secretary of State, and chairs and vice chairs of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the House Committee on Foreign Affairs and other officials as OGR might identify.



Resolved, That the 81st General Convention of The Episcopal Church affirm: that the October 7, 2023 attack on Israel by Hamas was an indefensible act of terrorism anti-Jewish terror; that Israel’s counterinsurgency in Gaza has exhibited a reckless disregard for the civilian population; that the current government in Israel, in effectively ruling out a Palestinian state, continues to pursue an apartheid policy against the Palestinian people; and that for all the people of Israel and Palestine to enjoy freedom, peace, justice, and national self-determination, there must be a Palestinian state, coexisting with the Jewish State of Israel; and be it further

Resolved, That the 81st General Convention affirm The Executive Council of The Episcopal Church (MB013) in lamenting the violence and loss of life in Gaza, demanding the speedy provision of food and medical aid, and calling for an immediate ceasefire and the release of hostages and other captives; and be it further

Resolved, That the 81st General Convention call on the Office of Government Relations to continue its work on human rights, justice, and other issues affecting the region while redoubling our church’s advocacy of the two-state solution, especially by lobbying for linkage between military aid for Israel and the degree of its participation in the peace process as well as lobbying for sanctions against nations that support Hamas, Hezbollah, and other extremist anti-Israel groups; and be it further

Resolved, That the Office of Government Relations also promote The Episcopal Church’s view that rebuilding Gaza, continuing to build up the economy of the West Bank, and promoting security for both Palestinians and Israelis are the responsibility of the United Nations, Israel, the U.S., Israel’s other allies, and Israel’s Arab neighbors, all of whom should be prepared to join in historic levels of aid and investment; and be it further

Resolved, That the 81st General Convention invite all Episcopalians to play a role in working for a durable, just peace through philanthropy, study, advocacy, investment in Palestinian enterprises, divestment from all firms doing business in or with West Bank settlements (2018-B016, Develop Investment Criteria for Israel and Palestine Based on a Human Rights Screen), and deepening personal relationships with those living in the region, through pilgrimages and by other means.

That the 81st General Convention declares that there is no military solution to the conflict between Israel and the Palestinian people and calls on Hamas and Israel to abandon violence, initiate and honor a permanent ceasefire, and release all Israeli hostages and Palestinian political prisoners as a means to resolving this 76-year-old conflict, and be it further

Resolved, That this Convention, noting that the International Court of Justice has launched an investigation into charges of genocide by Israel, laments with enormous grief the horrendous toll of civilian deaths and injuries, vast destruction of infrastructure, starvation leading to malnutrition among children resulting in unnecessary deaths and permanent damage to the physical well being of hundreds of thousands, loss of medical services, and no safe havens for a fleeing population in Gaza, affecting especially women and children, thus creating fear, distress and misery that will linger for decades, and therefore be it further

Resolved, That this Convention notes that the conflict can never be reconciled while 4,500,000+ Palestinians remain under occupation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, a reality that breeds resentment and rage among Palestinians, especially its young people, which leads to armed resistance while giving illegal Israeli settlers in the West Bank motivation to continue their ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian population by destroying their villages and agricultural life, and be it further

Resolved, That this Convention thereby calls on the United Nations, supported by the United States, European Union, and the Arab League, to fulfill its obligations incurred since 1948 to create a sovereign state for Palestinians, to include rebuilding Gaza while ensuring previously secure approved borders by the UN and assuring permanent security for Israel, which may later lead to one bi-national state as the parties may agree, and be it further

Resolved, That this Convention direct the Office of Government Relations to send a copy of this resolution to the President of the United States, the Secretary of State, and chairs and vice chairs of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the House Committee on Foreign Affairs and other officials as OGR might identify.



Executive Council MB013, referenced above: https://extranet.generalconvention.org/governing_and_interim_bodies/executive_council/resolution?id=573