M008 RESOLUTION (#8) – Care of Creation Covenant Memorial

Proposed by

Province III

A Memorial to be submitted by Province III based on an original draft by Province VIII

This Memorial will be a part of the Province VIII Synod Book and was distributed on April 10.  The Synod will take place virtually in two different sessions: 1) May 10 Informational and 2) May 17 Voting Synod.

Presented to the Synod of Province III on May 6, 2024

If adopted by the Synod, to be forwarded to the Secretary of General Convention

Resolved, That the Synod of Province III, meeting in Martinsburg, West Virginia, on May 6, 2024, adopts the following Memorial and hereby instructs the Secretary of Province III to forward this Memorial by no later than May 21, 2024, to the Secretary of General Convention.



A Memorial

To the Deputies and Bishops of The Episcopal Church assembled at the 81st General Convention:

Our local and global communities are now suffering from increasingly severe floods, wildfires, tornadoes, hurricanes, and sea-level rise. This memorial builds on a number of resolutions of previous General Conventions and Executive Council directives, including:

The Care of Creation Covenant of “Loving Formation, Liberating Advocacy, Life-Giving Advocacy, and the Long-Term Church-wide Ambition for Safeguarding Creation and Stewarding Resources”

Affirm support of Agenda 2030 and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, and the goals of eradicating poverty and fostering sustainable development by 2030. (EC 102016.30)

Establish biodiversity as a central priority for the Episcopal Church’s creation care strategies at church-wide, diocesan, congregational, and institutional levels. Advocate for policy priorities that protect both biodiversity and the rights of indigenous and local communities … (2023 MBMW 002)

Advocate for and support public policies that support a just transition for fossil fuel dependent communities (GC 2022-C015). Divest from fossil fuel companies and reinvest in clean renewable energy in a fiscally responsible manner. (GC 2018-A020).

Oppose environmental racism, expressed in such ways as the locating of extraction, production, and disposal industries where they disproportionately harm neighborhoods inhabited by people of color and low-income communities. (GC 2015-C013)

Promote sustainable energy and …support grassroots solutions to climate change that strengthen local resilience, local food sovereignty, ecological restoration… (GC 2012-B023)

Pursue an investment strategy that will fund methods of capturing and storing greenhouse gases through sustainable nature-based, land management solutions such as afforestation and regenerative agricultural practices. (GC 2022-C015)

Achieve carbon neutrality by 2030 (GC 2022-A087). Provision of a roadmap for achieving carbon neutrality, funding to support energy efficiency enhancements and a process for determining church-wide progress toward the goal will support achievement of the overall goal.

Reaffirm the Church’s commitment to environmental justice and authorize a report on legal remedies for marginalized communities that disproportionately suffer from the effects of climate change. (GC 2018-A011)

Advocate for ocean health via support for public policies establishing marine sanctuaries, mitigating pollution and the effects of offshore drilling, overfishing, and invasive species, and protecting endangered species.

Minister to people who are adversely affected by declines in ocean health. (GC 2018-C063)

Respectfully submitted,

Emily Hopkins, Synod Lay Deputy (California), Province VIII Creation Care Network Coordinator, Convener, Care of Creation Caucus (HoD for 81st GC)

Ms. Miriam Casey, Diocese of Northern California (Deputy)

Rev. Pamela Dolan, Diocese of Northern California (Deputy

Mr. William Shreve, Diocese of El Camino Real

Professor Willis Moore, Diocese of Hawaii

Rev. Jenn Latham, Diocese of Hawaii (Deputy)

Rev. Daniel Tamm, Diocese of Los Angeles

Rev. Marla Asson, Diocese of Nevada (Deputy)

Ms. Deborah White, Diocese of Nevada

Canon Amy Cook, Diocese of California

Rev. Canon Eric Metoyer, Diocese of California (Deputy)

Mr. John Kydd, Diocese of Olympia


Care of Creation Memorial

Resolved, That the Synod of Province III of The Episcopal Church affirms The Episcopal Church’s Covenant to Care of Creation and its commitment to “Loving Formation, Liberating Advocacy, and Life-Giving Conservation, and the Long-Term Church-wide Ambition for Safeguarding Creation and Stewarding Resources”, and be it further

Resolved, that this Synod supports the following legislative themes in this Memorial format to the 81st General Convention of The Episcopal Church for its consideration:

  • affirm the Task Force on the Care of Creation & Environmental Racism resolutions A020 – Establish a Standing Commission, A021 – Create a Care of Creation Loan Fund, and A022 Support the Anglican Communion Forest Initiative;
  • support investment in new or revitalized energy infrastructure systems in the public and private sectors that reflect a Just Transition from dated systems to renewables, from an extractive economy to a regenerative economy;
  • encourage grassroots solutions to climate change including participation in food and creation care ministries such as Good News Gardens;
  • reaffirm the commitment to environmental justice, climate justice, healthy oceans, and all waters, including preservation of ecosystems that support biodiversity;
  • develop a roadmap to guide Dioceses and parishes to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030, a way to measure progress, and financial and technical support to do this work;
  • develop resources for Creation Care Liturgies, Eco-Grief ministries, and the education & training tools for the work of Environmental Land Restitution, and be it further

Resolved, That this Provincial Synod immediately files this Memorial with the General Convention Secretariat and encourages deputations to the 81st General Convention to submit specific resolutions addressing these themes.