A152 (Resolution Submission Deadline in House of Deputies Rules of Order)

House of Deputies Message #243

The House of Deputies informs the House of Bishops that on Jun 27, 2024 it considered resolution A152 (Resolution Submission Deadline in House of Deputies Rules of Order). The house acted to:

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Resolved, the House of Deputies amends Rule VII.E of its Rules of Order and replaces it as follows:

<Amended text as it would appear if adopted. Scroll below the line of asterisks (******) to see the version showing all deleted and added text.> 

E. Resolution or Memorial Submission Deadlines. A Resolution or Memorial submitted later than 60 days prior to the first legislative day is a Post-Deadline submission and will not be considered by the House unless:

1. Fifteen deputies submit a petition to the Secretary before the first legislative day to consider it as a Post-Deadline Resolution or Memorial;

2. a legislative committee votes to submit it as a Post-Deadline Resolution or Memorial by a two-thirds vote;

3. a Diocese or Province submits it before the first legislative day;

4. the House votes by a simple majority without debate to consider it;

5. the President of the House of Deputies proposes it;

6. it is a Resolution of privilege or courtesy;

7. it is a message from the House of Bishops; or

8. it is a special order of business.


****** <Proposed amended resolution text showing exact changes being made:> 

E. Submission Deadline. No Resolution or Memorial may be first submitted to the House after the end of the second legislative day, unless it is:

1. a Resolution of privilege or courtesy;

2. proposed by a House of Deputies Legislative Committee;

3. proposed by the President of the House of Deputies;

4. a Message from the House of Bishops; or

5. voted on by the House to consider it.

E. Resolution or Memorial Submission Deadlines. A Resolution or Memorial submitted later than 60 days prior to the first legislative day is a Post-Deadline submission and will not be considered by the House unless:

1. Fifteen deputies submit a petition to the Secretary before the first legislative day to consider it as a Post-Deadline Resolution or Memorial;

2. a legislative committee votes to submit it as a Post-Deadline Resolution or Memorial by a two-thirds vote;

3. a Diocese or Province submits it before the first legislative day;

4. the House votes by a simple majority without debate to consider it;

5. the President of the House of Deputies proposes it;

6. it is a Resolution of privilege or courtesy;

7. it is a message from the House of Bishops; or

8. it is a special order of business.