A157 (House of Deputies Rules on Legislative Committee Report Deadline)
House of Deputies Message #245
The House of Deputies informs the House of Bishops that on Jun 27, 2024 it considered resolution A157 (House of Deputies Rules on Legislative Committee Report Deadline). The house acted to:
Adopt with Amendment - HD Only
Resolved, the House of Deputies amends Rule VIII.C of its Rules of Order by adding a section 3 as follows:
<Amended text as it would appear if adopted. Scroll below the line of asterisks (******) to see the version showing all deleted and added text.>
3. Deadline.
i. The Legislative Committee’s initial report for resolutions must be filed at least seven days before the start of the First Legislative Session unless:
a. the House adopts a different deadline in its order of business;
b. Two-thirds of the Committee votes to defer the report until the second legislative day; or
c. It is a Post-Deadline resolution submitted within thirty days of the first legislative day.
ii. If the House of Bishops modifies a Resolution or other matter, the Legislative Committee must file a new report within 24 hours of receiving the message from the House of Bishops.
<Proposed amended resolution text showing exact changes being made:>
3. Deadline.
i. The Legislative Committee’s initial report for resolutions must be filed at least seven days before the start of the First Legislative Session unless:
a. the House adopts a different deadline in its order of business;
b. Two-thirds of the Committee votes to defer the report until the second legislative day; or
c. It is a late Post-Deadline resolution submitted within thirty days of the first legislative day.
ii. If the House of Bishops modifies a Resolution or other matter, the Legislative Committee must file a new report within 24 hours of receiving the message from the House of Bishops.