A191 (Express Gratitude for the General Convention Children's Program )

House of Deputies Message #356

The House of Deputies informs the House of Bishops that on Jun 28, 2024 it considered resolution A191 (Express Gratitude for the General Convention Children's Program ). The house acted to:

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That the House of Deputies of the 81st General Convention gives thanks for the children’s Waves of Gratitude Day Camp, offering children an engaging and formative experience through a full day of meaningful activities, practicing gratitude while creating art, exploring the science of water, and interacting on field trips and with visitors to the program; and be it further 

Resolved, That we express our appreciation to Sarah Petersen and those who are leading, teaching, and ministering to our children; and be it further 

Resolved, That we thank the groups partnering with the children’s program:  United Thank Offering, Godly Play Foundation, Episcopal Relief & Development, The Office of Development, The Office of Communication, Good News Gardens, Episcopal Migration Ministries, Church Publishing Inc., Latino Ministries, The Archives of The Episcopal Church, The Partner’s Path, The National Association of Episcopal Schools, Bexley Seabury Seminary and The Staff of the Presiding Bishop, along with the General Convention Budget and the support of the General Convention Office staff; and be it further 

Resolved, That we are grateful for the soft space in the Convention Center sanctuary that gives our children the ability to participate fully in worship.