A154 (Presubmission of Amendments in the House of Deputies)
House of Deputies Message #93
The House of Deputies informs the House of Bishops that on Jun 23, 2024 it considered resolution A154 (Presubmission of Amendments in the House of Deputies). The house acted to:
Resolved, the House of Deputies amends Rule XIII.B.3.iii of its Rules of Order as follows:
iii. To Amend or Substitute:
a. is used to modify or change a Resolution or motion. This would include a technical change or a substantive change that would alter the meaning or the intent of a Resolution or motion. Amendments must be related to the item in the Resolution or motion that they are trying to change.
b. Secondary Amendments are:
1. proposed changes to an amendment. Secondary Amendments must relate to the specific subject of an amendment and may not be used to alter other parts of a Resolution or parts not affected by an amendment.
c. has the following characteristics:
1. Primary amendments must be filed with the Secretary before the start of the Session at which the matter will be considered and will be published by the Secretary;
2. The proposer may withdraw a prefiled amendment by providing notice on the Floor or to the Secretary before the House considers the amendment;
3. debate is allowed;
4. only Secondary Amendments are allowed;
5. a majority vote is required.
<Amended text as it would appear if adopted. Scroll below the line of asterisks (******) to see the version showing all deleted and added text.>
Rule XIII.B.3
iii. To Amend or Substitute:
a. is used to modify or change a Resolution or motion. This would include a technical change or a substantive change that would alter the meaning or the intent of a Resolution or motion. Amendments must be related to the item in the Resolution or motion that they are trying to change.
b. Secondary Amendments are:
1. proposed changes to an amendment. Secondary Amendments must relate to the specific subject of an amendment and may not be used to alter other parts of a Resolution or parts not affected by an amendment.
c. has the following characteristics:
1. Primary amendments must be filed with the Secretary before the start of the Session at which the matter will be considered and will be published by the Secretary;
2. The proposer may withdraw a prefiled amendment by providing notice on the Floor or to the Secretary before the House considers the amendment;
2. 3.debate is allowed;
4. only Secondary Amendments are allowed;
5. a majority vote is required.