A153 (Change to House of Deputies Debate Rules )

House of Deputies Message #94

The House of Deputies informs the House of Bishops that on Jun 23, 2024 it considered resolution A153 (Change to House of Deputies Debate Rules ). The house acted to:

Adopt with Amendment - HD Only

Resolved, the House of Deputies amends Rule XII.D.1-3 of its Rules of Order as follows:

<Amended text as it would appear if adopted. Scroll below the line of asterisks (******) to see the version showing all deleted and added text.> 

Rule XII

D. Time Limits

1. A total of 30 minutes is the maximum time allowed to debate on:

i.    any matter; and

ii.   all motions related to that matter.

2. The following time limits will govern debate:

i.    During the first six minutes of the debate, no one may move to amend, substitute, or end the debate, unless no one wishes to speak on the matter.

ii.   Following the first six minutes of debate, the House will automatically proceed to consider all amendments submitted on a matter in the order they were submitted. Debate on each amendment will be limited to six minutes.  Once all amendments have been exhausted, debate will return to the matter.

3. During a debate on any motion or other matter, a member may:

i.    speak up to two minutes;

ii.   ask a question to the committee using their time for both the question and the response; and

iii.   speak twice.


<Proposed amended resolution text showing exact changes being made:> 

Rule XII

D. Time Limits

1. A total of 30 minutes is the maximum time allowed to debate on:

i.    any matter; and

ii.   all motions related to that matter.

2. If a person rises to speak during the first six minutes of debate on a matter, no member may move the following unless no person seeks to debate on the matter:

i.    amend the motion or Resolution;

ii.   move a substitute;

iii.  end debate.

     The following time limits will govern debate:

i.    During the first six minutes of the debate, no one may move to amend, substitute, or end the debate, unless no one wishes to speak on the matter.

ii.   Following the first six minutes of debate, the House will automatically proceed to consider all amendments submitted on a matter in the order they were submitted. Debate on each amendment will be limited to six minutes.  Once all amendments have been exhausted, debate will return to the matter.

3. During a debate on any motion or other matter, a member may:

i.    speak up to two minutes; and

ii.   ask a question to the committee using their time for both the question and the response; and

ii. iii.   speak twice.