A011 (Confronting Apartheid)

House of Bishops Message #33

The House of Bishops informs the House of Deputies that on Jun 24, 2024 it considered resolution A011 (Confronting Apartheid). The house acted to:

Take No Further Action

Resolved, the House of Deputies concurring,

That the General Convention of The Episcopal Church, acknowledging our continuing struggle with systemic racism in the United States, recognize that the State of Israel has passed laws that discriminate against its non-Jewish citizens, particularly Palestinians, and that its military occupation of East Jerusalem and the West Bank and blockade of Gaza impose prejudicial treatment of Palestinians and privilege Israeli settlers, contravening international law and human rights; and be it further​

Resolved, That the General Convention recognize that these discriminatory laws and treatment correspond to the definitions of apartheid elaborated in the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid and set out in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court; and be it further​

​Resolved, That the General Convention affirm that apartheid is antithetical to the Gospel message and to our Baptismal Covenant to “strive for justice and peace among all people and respect the dignity of every human being"; and be it further​

​Resolved, That the General Convention recognizing the Western roots of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in 20th century colonialist exploits, as well as in the historical evils of anti-Semitism, commits itself to a practice and promotion of healing and reconciliation for the benefit of and between all God’s people, especially those most affected by the actions of the West.