A018 Task Force on Pacifism and Just War
Resolved, the House of Bishops concurring,
That the 81st General Convention authorize the establishment of a Task Force on Pacifism and Just War to deepen understanding of the Church’s pacifist and just war traditions, including the Anglican Communion’s distinctive contributions to these traditions, among military chaplains, missionaries, seminarians, clergy, congregations, and others engaged in the Church’s global mission, for application to contemporary war, peace and human rights issues; and be it further
Resolved, That the Task Force draw upon the experience and expertise garnered from the Military Chaplains Just War Education Project funded through the 2020-21 Constable Grant program to prepare a report recommending educational programs, public policy positions, and outreach initiatives consistent with the Task Force’s mandate for consideration by the 81st General Convention; and be it further
Resolved, That this Task Force be appointed jointly by the President of the House of Deputies and the Presiding Bishop, in consultation with the Standing Commission on World Mission, and consist of three bishops, three priests or deacons, and six laypersons from a diverse representation of the Church, and include military chaplains and those living in jurisdictions outside the United States; and be it further
Resolved, That $5,000 be budgeted for work of the Task Force over the next triennium.
This resolution was referred from the 80th General Convention. It was originally proposed by the Standing Commission on World Mission, listed as 2022-A030, and referred to Legislative Committee 13 - Committees & Commissions
Despite several Resolutions adopted by General Convention over time, awareness and understanding of The Episcopal Church’s approach to the morality and ethics of warfare, informed by both historic pacifist and just war traditions, remains incomplete. Enhancing educational opportunities and training for the Church’s military chaplains on these matters was the intent of the Military Chaplains Just War Education Project proposed by the Standing Commission on World Mission and awarded a Constable Grant by Executive Council in June 2020. This Resolution anticipates the completion of this project in 2021 and seeks to establish a Task Force that can build upon its work to potentially broaden its practical application to the wider Church, respecting the diversity of perspectives on war and peace among Episcopalians while also appreciating the continued calling of the Church to find its prophetic voice on these perennial issues.
Monies budgeted for the Task Force in the Resolution are intended to defray any modest expenses for translation, travel or meeting arrangements to facilitate completion of the Task Force’s work. It is envisioned that the Task Force would rely primarily on virtual meeting technological solutions where possible to minimize these expenses.