A004 Amend the House of Deputies Rule of Order XV.A.3 to Conform it to Current Practice Regarding the Form of Nominations from the Floor of the House

Final Status: Adopted with Amendment HoD

Resolved, That the House of Deputies amend the House of Deputies Rule of Order XV.A.3 to read as follows:

<Amended text as it would appear if adopted and concurred. Scroll below the line of asterisks (******) to see the version showing all deleted and added text.>

XV: Elections

A. Nominations

3. Each nomination must be submitted to the Secretary, in a form determined by the Secretary of the House, consistent with the form adopted by the Joint Standing Committee on Nominations. The Secretary will publish all nominations by the end of the third legislative day.


<Proposed amended resolution text showing exact changes being made:>

XV: Elections

A. Nominations

3. Each nomination must be submitted to the Secretary, in a form determined by the Secretary of the House, consistent with the form adopted by the Joint Standing Committee on Nominations. The Secretary will publish all nominations by the end of the third legislative day.