A093 Add provisions of 2018-B012 to canons

Final Status: Concurred as Amended

Resolved, That the 81st General Convention amend Canon I.19.3 to add a new subsection e thereto, to read as follows:

<Amended text as it would appear if adopted and concurred. Scroll below the line of asterisks (******) to see the version showing all deleted and added text.>


e. Bishops exercising ecclesiastical authority, or where appropriate ecclesiastical supervision, who hold a theological position that does not embrace marriage for same sex couples, will in the case of remarriage after divorce, invite another bishop of this Church to oversee the consent process and to receive any report of such Marriages, as provided in subsection c.


<Proposed amended resolution text showing exact changes being made:>


e. Bishops exercising ecclesiastical authority, or where appropriate ecclesiastical supervision, who hold a theological position that does not embrace marriage for same sex couples, will in the case of remarriage after divorce, invite another bishop of this Church to oversee the consent process and to receive any report of such Marriages, as provided in subsection c.


And be it further

Resolved, That Canon III.12.3.a be amended to add a new subsection 3 thereto, to read as follows:

<Amended text as it would appear if adopted and concurred. Scroll below the line of asterisks (******) to see the version showing all deleted and added text.>


a. In dioceses where the bishop exercising ecclesiastical authority (or, where applicable, ecclesiastical supervision) holds a theological position that does not embrace marriage for same-sex couples, and there is a desire to use such rites by same-sex couples in a congregation or other community of faith, the bishop exercising ecclesiastical authority (or ecclesiastical supervision) will invite another bishop of this Church to provide pastoral support to the couple, the Member of the Clergy involved and the congregation or other community of faith.


<Proposed amended resolution text showing exact changes being made:>


a. In dioceses where the bishop exercising ecclesiastical authority (or, where applicable, ecclesiastical supervision) holds a theological position that does not embrace marriage for same-sex couples, and there is a desire to use such rites by same-sex couples in a congregation or other community of faith, the bishop exercising ecclesiastical authority (or ecclesiastical supervision) will invite another bishop of this Church to provide pastoral support to the couple, the Member of the Clergy involved and the congregation or other community of faith.