C003 On Affordable Housing

Final Status: Concurred as Amended

Resolved, That the 81st General Convention authorize the establishment of a Task Force on Affordable Housing and the Unhoused. The Task Force, will be composed of thirteen (13) people, representing the diversity of the Church, as follows: 2 Bishops, 5 Priests or Deacons, and 6 Lay Persons, to complete the following work:

(a) Survey and document the engagement of Episcopal dioceses and congregations in the development of permanent, transitional, supportive, and emergency housing, and in ministries that assist families and individuals to access and sustain housing

(b) Recommend approaches that will increase involvement of dioceses and congregations based on best practices identified, given local needs;

And be it further

Resolved, That the Task Force on Affordable Housing and the Unhoused ends with the submission of their report to the 82nd General Convention; and be it further

Resolved, That the General Convention request that Executive Council consider a $70,000 budget allocation for the implementation of this resolution.