A121 Authorize the Commemoration of the Consecration of Barbara Clementine Harris -- Second Reading

Final Status: Concurred as Substituted

Resolved, That the commemoration of the Consecration of Barbara Clementine Harris, authorized for trial use by the 80th General Convention (Resolution 2022-C023) be now finally authorized for February 11 and entered into the Calendar of the Church Year (BCP p. 19ff.) and in future revisions of Lesser Feasts and Fasts; and be it further

Resolved, That the commemoration of Simeon Bachos, the Ethiopian Eunuch, authorized for trial use by the 80th General Convention (Resolution 2022-A008) be now finally authorized for August 26 and entered into the Calendar of the Church Year (BCP p. 19ff.) and in future revisions of Lesser Feasts and Fasts; and be it further

Resolved, That the commemoration of Frederick Howden, Jr. on December 11, authorized for trial use by the 80th General Convention (Resolution 2022-A008) be now finally authorized and entered into the Calendar of the Church Year (BCP p. 19ff.) and in future revisions of Lesser Feasts and Fasts; and be it further

Resolved, That this General Convention direct the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music to edit the biographies for these commemorations, attending to clarity, historical accuracy and timelessness.