A130 Developing alternative hymn texts

Final Status: Concurred as Amended

Resolved, That the 81st General Convention authorize the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music to work during the forthcoming triennium to develop a digital collection of alternative versions of hymns that address issues of colonialist, racist, white supremacist, imperialistic, and nationalistic language, as identified in Resolution 2022-A126; and be it further

Resolved, That for hymn texts for which the copyright is held by Church Publishing Incorporated, the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music develop a digital collection of alternative hymn texts, to be made available to congregations for their use, and to be published by Church Publishing Incorporated; and be it further

Resolved, That for hymn texts in the public domain, the 81st General Convention invite the people to submit alternative versions of hymn texts via the Submissions page on episcopalcommonprayer.org, and that such alternate hymn texts be shared via that website’s protocols, for use and evaluation; and be it further

Resolved, That the General Convention request the Executive Council Budget Committee to allocate $50,000 for this work.