D024 Recommending Use of Episcopal Camps and Conference Centers

Episcopal camps, retreat, and conference centers have been serving people in the United States since 1886. With 95 active member centers and programs across the Episcopal Church and most within an hour of a major airport, we are underutilizing a great ministry and opportunity to give back to the Episcopal Church. This resolution seeks to encourage a deliberate and thoughtful approach to selecting venues for events within The Episcopal Church and its affiliated entities. The recommendation reflects a desire to hold gatherings, when possible, at an Episcopal Center.

The recommendation presented in this resolution stems from a recognition of the unique and valuable role that Episcopal Conference Centers play within The Episcopal Church and Episcopal Entities. Episcopal Conference Centers provide spaces that are intentionally designed to foster community, spiritual growth, and meaningful engagement. These centers often offer a combination of facilities, natural surroundings, and programming that aligns with the ethos and mission of The Episcopal Church.

By recommending the utilization of Episcopal Camp and Conference Centers when gathering for events, the 81st General Convention aims to highlight the following considerations:

Support for Episcopal Ministries: Utilizing Episcopal Conference Centers contributes to the support and sustainability of these vital ministry spaces. By recommending their use, the General Convention encourages continued investment in these centers, recognizing their significance in advancing the mission of The Episcopal Church.

Environmental Considerations: Many Episcopal Camp and Conference Centers are situated in natural settings, fostering an environment that encourages reflection and connection with the natural world. Recommending their use aligns with the Church's commitment to environmental stewardship and the appreciation of God's creation.

Consistent Experience: Episcopal Camps and Conference Centers often provide consistent and well-managed facilities and services. Recommending their use aims to ensure a positive and consistent experience for participants in various events and gatherings.

Episcopal Camps and Conference Centers (ECCC), the organization has showcased an unwavering commitment to advocating and supporting the ministry and vitality of its centers. An overwhelming number of lay and clergy leaders state that they felt their call to leadership at an Episcopal camp. The fruits of this labor will be seen for generations to come.