A148 Amend Canons to Underscore Support for the Episcopal Coalition for Racial Equity and Justice

Final Status: Concurred

Resolved, That Canon 1.1.8 is hereby amended by adding new subsection b and renumbering the remaining subsection as follows:

<Amended text as it would appear if adopted and concurred. Scroll below the line of asterisks (******) to see the version showing all deleted and added text.>

Canon I.1.8

Sec. 8.

a. The General Convention shall adopt, at each regular meeting, a budget for The Episcopal Church, including for the contingent expenses of the General Convention, the stipend of the Presiding Bishop together with the necessary expenses of that office, the necessary expenses of the President of the House of Deputies including the staff and Advisory Council required to assist in the performance of the duties and matters related to the President’s office, and the applicable Church Pension Fund assessments. To defray the expense of this budget, an assessment shall be levied upon the Dioceses of the Church in accordance with a formula which the General Convention shall adopt as part of The Episcopal Church budget. It shall be the duty of each Diocesan Convention to pay its assessment to the Treasurer of the General Convention according to the schedule established by the Executive Council.

b. The Episcopal Coalition for Racial Equity and Justice (the “Coalition”), created by the 80th General Convention, shall be funded in part with an annual draw on one-tenth of the Church’s unrestricted trusts and endowment funds as determined in the most recent audited financial statements at a percentage rate equal to the draw percentage applied to fund the Church’s budget as described in subsection 8.a of this Canon. The estimated funding amount for the Coalition shall be described in The Episcopal Church budget for informational purposes only. The funding for the Coalition shall be provided by the Treasurer after the Executive Council declares the annual draw rate. The Coalition shall report to every regular meeting of the General Convention, providing audited financial statements and reports on its ministry and participation in God’s mission.


<Proposed amended resolution text showing exact changes being made:>

Canon I.1.8

Sec. 8.

a. The General Convention shall adopt, at each regular meeting, a budget for The Episcopal Church, including for the contingent expenses of the General Convention, the stipend of the Presiding Bishop together with the necessary expenses of that office, the necessary expenses of the President of the House of Deputies including the staff and Advisory Council required to assist in the performance of the duties and matters related to the President’s office, and the applicable Church Pension Fund assessments. To defray the expense of this budget, an assessment shall be levied upon the Dioceses of the Church in accordance with a formula which the General Convention shall adopt as part of The Episcopal Church budget. It shall be the duty of each Diocesan Convention to pay its assessment to the Treasurer of the General Convention according to the schedule established by the Executive Council.

b. The Episcopal Coalition for Racial Equity and Justice (the “Coalition”), created by the 80th General Convention, shall be funded in part with an annual draw on one-tenth of the Church’s unrestricted trusts and endowment funds as determined in the most recent audited financial statements at a percentage rate equal to the draw percentage applied to fund the Church’s budget as described in subsection 8.a of this Canon. The estimated funding amount for the Coalition shall be described in The Episcopal Church budget for informational purposes only. The funding for the Coalition shall be provided by the Treasurer after the Executive Council declares the annual draw rate. The Coalition shall report to every regular meeting of the General Convention, providing audited financial statements and reports on its ministry and participation in God’s mission.


And be it further

Resolved, That Canon I.4.6 be amended to add a new subsection k. to read as follows:

<Amended text as it would appear if adopted and concurred. Scroll below the line of asterisks (******) to see the version showing all deleted and added text.>

Canon I.4.6.k

k. Nothing in this Canon shall alter in any way the Church’s obligation to fund the Episcopal Coalition for Racial Equity and Justice as described in Canon I.1.8.b. other than the Executive Council’s determination of the annual draw from unrestricted trusts and endowment funds.


<Proposed amended resolution text showing exact changes being made:>

Canon I.4.6.k

k. Nothing in this Canon shall alter in any way the Church’s obligation to fund the Episcopal Coalition for Racial Equity and Justice as described in Canon I.1.8.b. other than the Executive Council’s determination of the annual draw from unrestricted trusts and endowment funds.