C034 Support for the Provinces as Part of TEC Structure

Provinces are part of The Episcopal Church structure as established by the Canons of the General Convention, Title 1, Canon 9: Of Provinces Constitution & Canons - 2022 (generalconvention.org). The relationship has the potential to strengthen the relationship of The Episcopal Church (church wide programs and ministries) with the Dioceses. The Province is committed to strengthening the connections between the Dioceses within the Province as well as with the wider Episcopal Church. The responsibility for the functioning of the Province is shared between the Dioceses in the Province and the wider Episcopal Church. Part of the responsibility involves the financial support that enables the ministry of the Province.

In order for the system to work the best it can, each part must be cared for.  This resolution offers one concrete way of supporting the Provincial part of the system called The Episcopal Church.


Support Links:

Constitución y Cánones 2022 - Título I, Canon 9: De las Provincias

Constitution & Canons - 2022 - Title I, Canon 9: Of Provinces