A162 Continuing the Task Force on the South Sudanese American Anglican diaspora

The approved text of resolution D088 from 2018 reads: The 79th General Convention authorizes and funds a task force to develop an official statement of understanding regarding the relationship between the Episcopal Church and the South Sudanese American Anglican diaspora.

It should be noted that during the past six years, the Task Force has been able to surpass its mandate by not only establishing an official understanding between The Episcopal Church and the South Sudanese American Anglican diaspora, but also in beginning to live into that understanding. We have formed a Leadership Steering Committee of South Sudanese members, clergy and lay; and created a liaison with the Office of African Descent Ministries of The Episcopal Church, with members serving on the Canon Missioner’s Council of Advice, and the South Sudanese American Anglicans being formed into their own Convocation within the Office of African Descent Ministries.

With much work to be done in deepening and guiding the relationship, especially in the areas cited in the resolution, we believe an ongoing Advisory Group established by the 81st General Convention is important, timely and necessary.