D049 Increase by one the possible number of bishops suffragans in a Diocese [First Reading]

There are fewer active Bishops Suffragan in the House of Bishops now than there were ten years ago. However, with diocesan mergers creating larger geographic dioceses, there is a need for additional suffragans in some places to cover vast geographical distances. This also allows these dioceses to elect someone who meets their particular needs rather than relying on the limited pool of retired bishops for the position of bishop assistant.

This change proactively creates infrastructure for the future. The unequivocal trend is that the diocesan pattern of TEC is reorganizing with formerly separate dioceses joining together in various forms.  The future is dioceses with larger geographical boundaries (overseen by one ordinary) sub-designated into regions (“overseen” by suffragan or assisting bishops).  While this does practically make for efficient economic stewardship, the more important benefit is that it facilitates the growth of the church with combined, adequately funded, excellent supporting resources such as camps, spiritual formation opportunities, mission capital, etc. - and the professional staff to implement this.