D049 Increase by one the possible number of bishops suffragans in a Diocese [First Reading]

Final Status: Concurred

Resolved, That Article II of the Constitution is amended as follows:

<Amended text as it would appear if adopted and concurred. Scroll below the line of asterisks (******) to see the version showing all deleted and added text.>

Article II: Of Bishops

Sec. 4. It shall be lawful for a Diocese, at the request of the Bishop of that Diocese, to elect not more than three Bishops Suffragan, without right of succession, and with seat and vote in the House of Bishops. A Bishop Suffragan shall be consecrated and hold office under such conditions and limitations other than those provided in this Article as may be provided by Canons of the General Convention. A Bishop Suffragan shall be eligible for election as Bishop Diocesan or Bishop Coadjutor of a Diocese, or as a Bishop Suffragan in another Diocese.


<Proposed amended resolution text showing exact changes being made:>

Article II: Of Bishops

Sec. 4. It shall be lawful for a Diocese, at the request of the Bishop of that Diocese, to elect not more than two three Bishops Suffragan, without right of succession, and with seat and vote in the House of Bishops. A Bishop Suffragan shall be consecrated and hold office under such conditions and limitations other than those provided in this Article as may be provided by Canons of the General Convention. A Bishop Suffragan shall be eligible for election as Bishop Diocesan or Bishop Coadjutor of a Diocese, or as a Bishop Suffragan in another Diocese.