D060 Support For a Solution to the Crisis in Haiti

Resolved, the House of Deputies concurring,

That the Episcopal Church laments lament the current situation in Haiti resulting in an environment of political chaos, insecurity and fear for many Haitians; and be it further

Resolved, That the Episcopal Church, including the Office of Government Relations, work to support a solution to the crisis Haiti that includes:

  • Supporting an UN-authorized security mission with all necessary human rights safeguards, while addressing political drivers of insecurity and working to support democratic norms;
  • Restarting a transitional government clearly focused on supporting democratic norms and ensuring trusted elections, while respecting Haitian sovereignty;
  • Stabilization of mechanisms for basic necessities, such as food, water, fuel, healthcare and the opening of airports;
  • Encouraging international humanitarian support to help fund both basic necessities and recovery, including by supporting qualified non-profits and NGOs;
  • Assist Haiti in rebuilding its justice system, in a rights-respecting way;
  • Advocating to genuinely engage and heed the voices of Haitians, who are suffering from food and healthcare insecurity, gang violence and human rights threats;
  • Work towards the elimination of gang violence, and arms and drug trafficking;

And be it further

Resolved, That the Episcopal Church, through the Presiding Bishop's office, work with the clergy of Haiti to bring a Bishop’s presence to Haiti; and be it further

Resolved, That the Episcopal Church stands stand with the Episcopal Diocese of Haiti through prayer and listening, to support them and assist in their needs.; and be it further

Resolved, that Executive Council provide a report to the 82nd General Convention on the actions taken regarding Haiti as described above.