D070 Prayers for Haiti

The Episcopal Church has a long and rich history with Haiti. The Rev. James Theodore Holly established the Episcopal Church in Haiti in 1861. He was consecrated bishop in 1874, becoming the first black bishop in the Episcopal Church.

Today the Episcopal Diocese of Haiti is the largest diocese in The Episcopal Church based on membership. The Diocese of Haiti is a part of Province II.

The people of Haiti have suffered greatly since the assassination of President Jovenel Moise on July 7th, 2021.  The leadership void has allowed gangs to take over the country. Conditions have created food insecurity for millions of Haitians. Gang violence in and around the capital of Port au Prince has prevented hundreds of thousands of children from attending school. Gangs are using rape and violence to gain power and control. The health care system is in shambles.

Our fellow Episcopalians are in crisis. They are in need of our prayers and support during this difficult time.