D075 The Immediate Release of Ms. Layan Nasir, 24 from Administrative Detention in Israel

Final Status: Concurred

Resolved, That the 81st General Convention condemn the April 7, 2024 arrest and imprisonment of Palestinian Anglican Layan Nasir by the Israeli military, taken from her family home in the occupied West Bank city of Birzeit; and be it further

Resolved, That 81st General Convention call for Layan’s immediate release from Administrative Detention at the notorious Damon Prison in Israel, and that she be returned to her home and family; and be it further

Resolved, That the 81st General Convention direct the Office of Government Relations of The Episcopal Church to continue its advocacy at the U.S. State Department, U.S. Embassy, Israeli Embassy, White House and among influential members of the Senate and House of Representatives, to demand Layan’s release; and be it further

Resolved, That 81st General Convention denounce and object to the use of administrative detention wherein thousands of Palestinians–including children–are held for months without charge, trial, or conviction with no, or extremely limited, access to legal counsel or family visitation; and be it further

Resolved, That 81st General Convention direct the Office of Government Relations to advocate for the U.S. government to pressure Israel to end the practice of administrative detention; and be it further

Resolved, That members of The Episcopal Church be invited to pray daily for Layan, together with other Palestinians held in administrative detention, to share Layan’s story, and to advocate for her and others’ immediate release from prison.