D081 Childcare at General Convention

As our church states that All are Welcome and we claim to be the church of the future, we need to be accessible for the church of future to participate. Parents and Guardians who attend convention have huge costs related to bringing and providing for their children to General Convention.

It becomes cost prohibitive between airfare (typically $400.00 - $600.00 per person), other transportation costs, food, and lodging. This is in addition to the emotional toll of traveling for the entire family of these faithful servants.

It costs families thousands of dollars to bring one child, let alone multiple children to General Convention; therefore, leaving many families unable to attend.

Asking families to pay an additional $250-$350 per child for their care during the convention is an additional strain. While many dioceses are able to assist in the cost, not all are able or willing to. The costs for families continue to rise at astronomical rates between school fees, sports, activities, rising costs of living, and they should not have to add more cost to do the work they are called to do for The Episcopal Church.

Additionally, the cost of the program for 2024 was approximately $90,000, with 45 children enrolled. This includes a cost to the families of approximately $240 per child, if registered early. The request for $110,000 is based on the assumption of inflation, rising enrollment and TEC assuming the cost for Deputies, Alternate Deputies, Bishops, Staff and Volunteers

With the General Convention’s support of this resolution, parents and guardians can be encouraged and supported in their ministry in our larger church without concern for their child’s care or costs associated with it.