A226 The Nominees for Election as Presiding Bishop

Final Status: Adopted by HoB

Resolved, That the House of Bishops, meeting at this 81st General Convention of The Episcopal Church in Louisville, Kentucky, expresses our profound gratitude to the Bishop of Nebraska, the Right Reverend Scott Barker; the Bishop of Central New York, the Right Reverend Dede Duncan-Probe; the Bishop of Pennsylvania, the Right Reverend Daniel Gutierrez; and the Bishop of Atlanta, the Right Reverend Robert Wright, for their willingness to offer themselves as nominees for election as our next Presiding Bishop;

and further expresses our attentive understanding both of the blessings and the cost of this discernment for each of them;

and further, giving thanks to Almighty God for their ongoing presence in our midst, assures them of our prayers for their dioceses, for their continued ministries.