A236 Our Guests from the Anglican Communion, Churches in Full Communion, other Christian Churches, and other Faith Communities

Final Status: Adopted by HoB

Resolved, That the House of Bishops, meeting at this 81st General Convention of The Episcopal Church in Louisville, Kentucky, recognizes and welcomes our guests who have joined us in this Convention from other parts of our Anglican Communion, Churches with which we enjoy the blessing of full communion, Churches with which we have long-standing ecumenical relationships, and those of other faith traditions with whom we share fruitful and valuable dialogue;

and further expresses our gratitude to them for making the considerable commitment to be with us at this Convention;

and further appreciates their presence as a visible sign of our mutual interdependence as those who strive to be a witness for the importance of the life of faith and the value of every human being as created in the image and likeness of God.