A244 The Right Reverend Sean Rowe Presiding Bishop-elect 2024

Final Status: Adopted by HoB

Resolved, That the House of Bishops, gathered at this 81st General Convention of The Episcopal Church in Louisville, Kentucky, gives thanks to Almighty God for the election of the Right Reverend Sean Rowe, Bishop of Northwestern Pennsylvania and Provisional Bishop of Western New York, as the next Presiding Bishop and Primate of our Church;

and further recognizes that he is the youngest bishop in our history to be called to this office;

and further assures our brother of our daily prayers and our firm support as we cast this mantle of leadership on his shoulders at a time of great challenge and opportunity for the Church;

and further expresses our gratitude to him for his first words to the General Convention, calling the Church to a season of relational jubilee in which we can let go of the resentment, anger, and grudges that have weakened the leadership of our Church in these pandemic and post-pandemic years, so that we may be united and courageous disciples in following Jesus into an unknown future filled with hope;

and further wholeheartedly supports his decision for a suitable service of inauguration to mark the beginning of his primacy in the Chapel of Christ the Lord at the Episcopal Church Center that is consonant with our intentional stewardship of the Church and of creation;

and further recognizes our brother’s considerable and unequalled contribution to the work of this House over many years as our Parliamentarian;

and further begs in all humility to remind him, recalling the infallible words of Robert’s Rules of Order, Chapter XIX Section 59:9, of which we know he is well aware, where it is written, that “a key constituent …should be the parliamentarian…It is desirable that this person be a professional – the more seasoned in actual operating experience in the organization, the better;” and additionally, in Chapter XV section 47:48, where it is written “that the president should be free to appoint [a parliamentarian] in whom he or she has confidence,” that one of his first and most urgent responsibilities is the rare privilege and obligation to replace himself as soon as may be opportune;

and further expresses our support for his spouse, Carly, and their daughter, Lauren, as they face tremendous change and the opening of new vistas in the life of their family.