A247 The Presiding Bishop and Mrs. Sharon Curry

Final Status: Adopted by HoB

Resolved, That the House of Bishops, meeting at this 81st General Convention of The Episcopal Church in Louisville, Kentucky, gives thanks to Almighty God for the ministry of our beloved Presiding Bishop and Primate, the Most Reverend Michael Curry, to which office we called him at the 78th General Convention in Salt Lake City, and which he lays down in November;

and further celebrates the historic significance of his election as the first Black bishop to exercise the ministry of Presiding Bishop of this Church;

and further recognizes the enduring influence on us of his devotion to his Lord and Savior and his passionate and unwavering faithfulness to the way of love and to the demands that this love must make on the individual believer and on the Church as we seek to live more authentically as the Beloved Community;

and further commits ourselves not simply to think and imagine a world where love is the way, but to be co-creators with God to help bring that world into being;

and further expresses our deep gratitude to him for the infectious energy, invigorating preaching, effective teaching, and evident love of the Church that he has shown to us all in reviving us again;

and further marks with deep satisfaction his impact in raising the public profile of the witness of the Episcopal Church, from the morning television news broadcasts, to Saint George’s Chapel, Windsor, to Saturday Night Live, and beyond;

and further voices our recognition of his selfless perseverance in the work before him in spite of the serious health challenges that he has faced during his tenure of office;

and further commends him to the same loving, liberating, life-giving God to whom he has been commending us over these last nine years, wishing him a long, happy, and healthy retirement;

and further makes clear our hope that in giving up his office he will not give up his voice, for, as his high school teacher Mr. Saunders used to say, a gentleman is always ready to speak a word;

and further conveys to his wife Sharon and their family our enduring gratitude to them for sharing him with us for this season of our common life.