Total Resolutions: 396 | complete: 394 | Incomplete: 2

A101 Revise DHP Pricing Structures for Equitable Access Concurred as Substituted View
HiA: HoD
Committee: 12 - Agencies & Boards
Proposed by: Task Force to Advise the Church on Denominational Health Plans
Current Status: Complete
Latest action: HoB Acts to Concur
A102 Churchwide Education Efforts to Control Healthcare Costs Concurred View
HiA: HoD
Committee: 12 - Agencies & Boards
Proposed by: Task Force to Advise the Church on Denominational Health Plans
Current Status: Complete
Latest action: HoB Acts to Concur
A103 Amend Canon III.11.8 Concurred View
HiA: HoB
Committee: 02 - Constitution & Canons
Proposed by: Court of Review
Current Status: Complete
Latest action: HoD Acts to Concur
A104 Amend Canon IV.6.9 Took No Further Action View
HiA: HoD
Committee: 18 - Title IV Disciplinary Canons
Proposed by: Court of Review
Current Status: Complete
Latest action: HoD Acts to Take No Further Action
A105 Amend Canon IV.5.4.g Concurred as Amended View
HiA: HoD
Committee: 18 - Title IV Disciplinary Canons
Proposed by: Court of Review
Current Status: Complete
Latest action: HoB Acts to Concur
A106 Amend Canon IV.15.5.a Concurred as Amended View
HiA: HoD
Committee: 18 - Title IV Disciplinary Canons
Proposed by: Court of Review
Current Status: Complete
Latest action: HoB Acts to Concur
A107 Amend Canon IV.19.12 Concurred with Referral to an Interim Body View
HiA: HoD
Committee: 18 - Title IV Disciplinary Canons
Proposed by: Court of Review
Current Status: Complete
Latest action: HoD Acts to Concur with Referral to an Interim Body
A108 Proposal of Changes to Title I, Canon 17 Concurred as Amended View
HiA: HoB
Committee: 02 - Constitution & Canons
Proposed by: Task Force on the State of Membership in The Episcopal Church
Current Status: Complete
Latest action: HoB Acts to Concur
A109 Commend and Expand Liturgical Resources in Recognition of the End of Slavery Concurred as Amended View
HiA: HoB
Committee: 10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy & Music
Proposed by: Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music
Current Status: Complete
Latest action: HoD Acts to Concur
A110 Clarify Distinction Between Biblical and Modern Israel Concurred as Amended View
HiA: HoB
Committee: 06 - Social Justice & International Policy
Proposed by: Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music
Current Status: Complete
Latest action: HoD Acts to Concur
A111 Develop resources and models for online/in person hybrid worship Concurred as Amended View
HiA: HoB
Committee: 10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy & Music
Proposed by: Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music
Current Status: Complete
Latest action: HoD Acts to Concur
A112 Authorize use of the "Expanded Revised Common Lectionary Daily Readings" Concurred as Amended View
HiA: HoB
Committee: 10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy & Music
Proposed by: Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music
Current Status: Complete
Latest action: HoB Acts to Concur
A113 Affirm Flexibility of Idiom for Authorized Liturgies Concurred as Substituted View
HiA: HoB
Committee: 10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy & Music
Proposed by: Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music
Current Status: Complete
Latest action: HoD Acts to Concur
A114 Authorize for use Expansive Language Versions of Eucharistic Prayer C Concurred as Amended View
HiA: HoB
Committee: 10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy & Music
Proposed by: Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music
Current Status: Complete
Latest action: HoD Acts to Concur
A115 Authorized use of alternative texts for the Good Friday liturgy Concurred as Substituted View
HiA: HoB
Committee: 10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy & Music
Proposed by: Task Force on Indigenous Liturgy
Current Status: Complete
Latest action: HoD Acts to Concur
A116 Marriage Rites for Inclusion in the Book of Common Prayer (First Reading) Concurred as Substituted View
HiA: HoB
Committee: 10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy & Music
Proposed by: Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music
Current Status: Complete
Latest action: HoD Acts to Concur
A117 Withdraw Rev. William Porcher DuBose from the Lesser Feasts and Fasts Calendar -- Second Reading Concurred View
HiA: HoB
Committee: 10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy & Music
Proposed by: Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music
Current Status: Complete
Latest action: HoD Acts to Concur
A118 Authorize the Commemoration of Harriet Ross Tubman -- Second Reading Took No Further Action View
HiA: HoB
Committee: 10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy & Music
Proposed by: Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music
Current Status: Complete
Latest action: HoB Acts to Take No Further Action
A119 Authorize the Commemoration of Frederick Howden, Jr. -- Second Reading Took No Further Action View
HiA: HoB
Committee: 10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy & Music
Proposed by: Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music
Current Status: Complete
Latest action: HoB Acts to Take No Further Action
A120 Authorize the Commemoration of Simeon Bachos, the Ethiopian Eunuch -- Second Reading Took No Further Action View
HiA: HoB
Committee: 10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy & Music
Proposed by: Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music
Current Status: Complete
Latest action: HoB Acts to Take No Further Action