Total Resolutions: 396 | complete: 394 | Incomplete: 2

A141 Amend Canon IV.6.9 - Monthly Reports Concurred as Substituted View
HiA: HoD
Committee: 18 - Title IV Disciplinary Canons
Proposed by: Standing Commission on Structure, Governance, Constitution and Canons
Current Status: Complete
Latest action: HoB Acts to Concur
A142 Amend Canon IV.6.7 – copy of notice Concurred as Amended View
HiA: HoD
Committee: 18 - Title IV Disciplinary Canons
Proposed by: Standing Commission on Structure, Governance, Constitution and Canons
Current Status: Complete
Latest action: HoB Acts to Concur
A143 Amend IV.17.3.b and IV.17.5 - Disciplinary Board for Bishops Concurred as Amended View
HiA: HoD
Committee: 18 - Title IV Disciplinary Canons
Proposed by: Standing Commission on Structure, Governance, Constitution and Canons
Current Status: Complete
Latest action: HoB Acts to Concur
A144 Review the Application of Canons I.17.5 and III.1.2 Took No Further Action View
HiA: HoD
Committee: 17 - Accessibility & Inclusion
Proposed by: Task Force to Study Household & Relationship Diversity
Current Status: Complete
Latest action: HoD Acts to Take No Further Action
A145 Urging Pastoral Compassion and Discretion for Clergy and Laity Who Disclose Diverse Family and Household Structures Took No Further Action View
HiA: HoD
Committee: 17 - Accessibility & Inclusion
Proposed by: Task Force to Study Household & Relationship Diversity
Current Status: Complete
Latest action: HoD Acts to Take No Further Action
A146 Study of Lay Discipline for Elected and Appointed Offices Concurred View
HiA: HoD
Committee: 18 - Title IV Disciplinary Canons
Proposed by: Standing Commission on Structure, Governance, Constitution and Canons
Current Status: Complete
Latest action: HoB Acts to Concur
A147 Referring Lay Disciplinary Canon Issue to Standing Commission on Structure, Governance, Constitution and Canons Concurred as Amended View
HiA: HoD
Committee: 18 - Title IV Disciplinary Canons
Proposed by: Standing Commission on Structure, Governance, Constitution and Canons
Current Status: Complete
Latest action: HoB Acts to Concur
A148 Amend Canons to Underscore Support for the Episcopal Coalition for Racial Equity and Justice Concurred View
HiA: HoB
Committee: 02 - Constitution & Canons
Proposed by: Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and President Julia Ayala Harris
Current Status: Complete
Latest action: HoD Acts to Concur
A149 Amending daily session schedule for House of Deputies Adopted with Amendment HoD View
HiA: HoD
Committee: 01 - Rules of Order/HoD
Proposed by: HOD Special Committee on Rules of Order
Current Status: Complete
Latest action: HoD Acts to Adopt with Amendment
A150 Amending the motion to suspend the HOD rules of order Adopted by HoD View
HiA: HoD
Committee: 01 - Rules of Order/HoD
Proposed by: HOD Special Committee on Rules of Order
Current Status: Complete
Latest action: HoD Acts to Adopt
A151 Removal from the Consent Calendar in the House of Deputies Rejected View
HiA: HoD
Committee: 01 - Rules of Order/HoD
Proposed by: HOD Special Committee on Rules of Order
Current Status: Complete
Latest action: HoD Acts to Reject
A152 Resolution Submission Deadline in House of Deputies Rules of Order Adopted Substitute HoD View
HiA: HoD
Committee: 01 - Rules of Order/HoD
Proposed by: HOD Special Committee on Rules of Order
Current Status: Complete
Latest action: HoD Acts to Adopt Substitute
A153 Change to House of Deputies Debate Rules Adopted with Amendment HoD View
HiA: HoD
Committee: 01 - Rules of Order/HoD
Proposed by: HOD Special Committee on Rules of Order
Current Status: Complete
Latest action: HoD Acts to Adopt with Amendment
A154 Presubmission of Amendments in the House of Deputies Rejected View
HiA: HoD
Committee: 01 - Rules of Order/HoD
Proposed by: HOD Special Committee on Rules of Order
Current Status: Complete
Latest action: HoD Acts to Reject
A155 Update the House of Deputies Rules Upon a Different Convention Schedule Adopted by HoD View
HiA: HoD
Committee: 01 - Rules of Order/HoD
Proposed by: HOD Special Committee on Rules of Order
Current Status: Complete
Latest action: HoD Acts to Adopt
A156 House of Deputies Rules of Order on Written Comments Adopted by HoD View
HiA: HoD
Committee: 01 - Rules of Order/HoD
Proposed by: HOD Special Committee on Rules of Order
Current Status: Complete
Latest action: HoD Acts to Adopt
A157 House of Deputies Rules on Legislative Committee Report Deadline Adopted with Amendment HoD View
HiA: HoD
Committee: 01 - Rules of Order/HoD
Proposed by: HOD Special Committee on Rules of Order
Current Status: Complete
Latest action: HoD Acts to Adopt with Amendment
A158 Addressing Church Decline and Fostering Church Revitalization Took No Further Action View
HiA: HoB
Committee: 08 - Congregational Vitality & Data-Driven Initiatives
Proposed by: 09 - Evangelism & the Future Church/HoD
Current Status: Complete
Latest action: HoB Acts to Take No Further Action
A159 Affirm the Continuation of Ecumenical Dialogues and Membership in Ecumenical/Interfaith Organizations Concurred View
HiA: HoB
Committee: 14 - Ecumenical & Interreligious Relations
Proposed by: Standing Commission on Ecumenical and Interreligious Relations
Current Status: Complete
Latest action: HoD Acts to Concur
A160 Revise Catechism in the Book of Common Prayer Concurred as Amended View
HiA: HoB
Committee: 10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy & Music
Proposed by: 10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy & Music
Current Status: Complete
Latest action: HoD Acts to Concur